Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reflection of My Videogame Presentation

I believe that one very strong point we had for this presentation was the fact that this is designed as a Wii Sports game. Most people already know the Wii Sports games, and are familiar with their simplicity in design. We didn't have to try very hard to explain how the game would look and what the sounds would be because all of the Wii Sports games have virtually the same aspects. Included in these aspects is a lot of fun, as any person who has experienced Wii Sports would report.

I believe the only hard part about giving my presentation was trying to explain the game knowing that the audience did not know the rules of lacrosse. For some aspects of the game to make sense, you have to understand how the game works in real life. For instance, if too many players are on the wrong side of the field, a penalty is called and gameplay is stopped. This is why explaining the RULES of the game was the most difficult concept to explain. The rules of this game follow the rules of the actual sport of lacrosse. Unless you know those rules, some parts of this video game concept might seem confusing, and you might find yourself saying, "Why does this happen when I do that?"

The easiest part of the game to explain was the GOALS. The object of the game is like most other sports games; to score the most points. This is a very general concept that everyone already knows about. This could possibly make for a boring game, which is why we added other challenges into the design so that players can unlock new things, like clothing for their characters. This keeps the game interesting, despite the repeatedness of the scoring concept.

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